7 Amazing Ways to Keep Your Home Safe Every Day And Live In A Safer Neighborhood

Does your household have fire emergency protocols? Fire is the fourth largest accidental killer in the United States. It is also the disaster that families are most likely to experience. Seven people die each day in reported U.S. home fires. Is your home fire safe? Are you aware of the latest life saving home technology?

When a stranger breaks into your home and takes away what you treasure the most, you’re left with an overwhelming sense of intrusion and violation. You don’t feel safe anymore, not even inside of your own place. Every little noise will startle you, maybe you won’t be able to sleep without leaving the lights on.

With more than 3 burglary crimes every second and an average loss of $2,661 for each burglary, how can you make your house safer, dissuade felons and avoid huge losses? We’ll try to provide you with some practical advice.

1. Make your house look inhabited

Thieves will carefully inspect your neighborhood before acting and will decide to strike empty-looking houses first. Lights off all day and a full mailbox will catch their attention for sure.

If you’re going to be out for a few hours, leave your lights on or turn the TV up. If you’re planning on going on vacation, you could ask a neighbor to empty your mailbox instead and use a timer to turn your lights on or off.

If you own a smart speaker, you can also turn your light and your tv on at different times every day: this way, felons would never suspect you’re using a timer.

2. Give thieves a hard time

Thieves will need time and an easy path to break into your home. The more difficult you will make for them to approach your house, the less they will be tempted to start this endeavor in the first place. Block access with fences and thorny bushes under your windows. A good CCTV system with movement sensors will make the difference between a happy thief and a mocked felon.

3. Highlight their plans

Every self-respecting thief loves operating from the shadows. This is why you should light up the outside of your house. Motion sensor lighting is a practical solution, since they are simple to install but still effective.

Be careful and make sure the lights are not signaling any potential access point, making them an open invitation for eventual felons.

4. Check every access way

Doors and windows are not the only gateways for break-ins: many thieves find their way in through cellars or garages. These access points are often underestimated, but they represent an objective risk.

5. Don’t post your vacation plans on social media

Sharing your holiday pics on social media can boost your self-esteem, and you might feel eager to share with your friends the excitement of a long-awaited trip. But, how many of those “friends” did you ever meet in person? Besides, chances are that everyone could potentially learn you’re not home if you never checked your profile privacy settings.

6. Keep a record of all your valuable items

In case you will end up getting robbed in spite of everything, it’s important to have a punctual record of all your valuables for when police will get involved. Moreover, it will be easier for you to get consistent compensation from your insurance company.

7. Have a professional security system installed

The final touch in getting your house secured and protected is having a great professional security system installed. In the first instance, the alarm’s noise is an excellent way to dissuade any interested felon. In addition, they increase exponentially the chance of the thieve getting caught. An anti-theft system will detect every kind of house intrusion and report it to law enforcement. It’s also possible to manage the security system from your smartphone and receive immediate notification in case of an emergency.


Each house has different weaknesses and will need a different intervention. There are many factors to consider if you want to understand what system is the most indicated for your own place. Maybe you are a pet owner and don’t want your alarm to be triggered every time your cat goes out. Maybe your neighborhood is generally safe, or perhaps you live in a dangerous, theft-prone area instead. This is why you should always consider asking for a professional inspection before making any decision.

AI is Running in the Background of Our Daily Lives Yet We Don’t Even Know It | Totality

Is artificial intelligence running in the background of your life? Most likely, but you may not even know it.

You may be interacting with ai technology on a daily basis without recognizing it or knowing that was even possible since ai is running in the background. It is developing at an ever-increasing velocity and this means for people in the future will improve their lives immensely. But there are also drawbacks to ai technology, and we need to prepare for these consequences before they happen so that we can get ourselves ready for what is coming next.

You know that tingly feeling you get when someone is around who has the uncanny ability to read your mind? You might not realize it, but you’re kind of a robot without even knowing it.

A report from the Pew Research Center has shown that many people are unaware of artificial intelligence running in their lives, as they may be at its mercy already. The company’s survey found out that some Americans think AI is only something to worry about if and when robots gain human-like consciousness or become capable enough to take over jobs currently done by humans like driving cars for Uber or working on assembly lines.

So other professions are in danger too?!?

The strongest argument for this idea is that we have been experiencing a change in the way students learn.

They learn faster, start at a younger age and have begun to focus on how to code the software these learning models rely upon.

This is a consequence of faster moving technology and increased access to knowledge. It’s hard to believe that even if people wanted, they couldn’t find out ways to leverage these innovations, instead of succumbing to them.

We’ve already seen a shift in the way we work. People are coming up with new ways to use AI and machine learning technology, from the obvious. Usually these get the “OH’s and ah’s.”

 but they are just the tip of the iceberg.

The other professions that are in danger are a lot more surprising…

Ai is Running in the Background of Our Daily Lives

This includes jobs like doctors, chefs, teachers, and writers. Yes, even those who make their living off words could be replaced with artificial intelligence over time if it does not already happen to a degree today. A machine right now is learning…rapidly the ways in which to do so actually…you have Noooo idea…

I could tell you one fact right now, that undoubtedly illustrate the covert ways…but, not just yet. what would be the fun in that?

This is a new trend that will last. We are not just talking about jobs that require repetitive tasks, but also those in the creative sector, which may be even more at risk because they cannot easily transfer to other sectors of work.

The only way for people now to keep up with artificial intelligence and machine learning innovations, is to try to identify its use. Sometimes it is obvious as companies like Microsoft tout the advanced features of their new smart devices, such as the HoloLens2 for example… or perhaps by being “well informed” with the abundance of academic grade quantitative research you have diligently studied, although admittedly from your toilet or lying in bed at night perusing all of the various blogs, articles and white papers throughout the internet.

These articles I am sure would also point out the benefits of AI. For example, a company like Watson, IBM’s artificial intelligence computer system that has been trained to see potential cures for cancer faster than any human researcher could ever do on their own is not only impressive, but simply incredible, in terms of what it can be achieved with machine learning and sophisticated data analytics techniques integrated especially since ai is running in the background as well.

I suppose a question you might ask is, “But what about the drawbacks of Artificial Intelligence?” The answer to this may in fact be something for a whole other discussion in of itself.

I do believe that AI can be a blessing for human society, but it also has the potential to become a curse. It all depends on what it is designed to do, how it’s doing it and debatably most important. WHO told it do it in the first place as ai typically starts in the essence of its maker. Essentially, follow the leader and their code determines the basis on which all other aspects are modeled on, which determines the direction and “spirit” at which it will attempt to follow as it’s guide.

So, now we know how artificial intelligence could be obvious or directly presented to us.

However, AI is already running in the background of our daily lives, and we don’t even know it.

– We order food from a restaurant, and they automatically calculate a tip for us… ai is running in the background

– We have an alarm set on our phone to wake up in the morning.

Perhaps though, it even suggests automatically to turn your alarm on or off each day…based on the prior days of the weeks or time of days you have do so yourself before… See what we mean??

-Many of us have smart iot devices throughout our homes where the list of ways they are utilized is almost endless.

Whether it’s a thermostat adjusting the temperature to just how you like it for when you arrive or saving your wallet by turning the heat down after you head to work.

– Your phone may even recognize the language you are speaking and translate it for you.

– Machine learning is predicting what tv show you want to watch based on your previous habits, or where you want to eat a meal based on what it knows about your food preferences. ai is running in the background at all times, almost everywhere.

these are all calculating and evolving by harnessing the processing power of modern cloud-based systems to efficiently utilize advanced statistical data analysis and continually refine its predictions with every, single, granular detail.

The statistical data is then meticulously computed to chart variation to data entered over long term, all while identifying any of the residual ripples to other data that will then require adjustments to the algorithms.

Yet although so many freaking data points are processed prior, these projections are still able to occur in near real-time with some truly impressive accuracy, even at these semi early stages of the innovation. it is remarkable to say the least.

– Your devices may even inform you of the best time to take a break

– AI may even help in finding a new job, if it is able to learn about your likes, dislikes, skills, experiences, or degrees

So, by now, if you are anything like me here as I think about what I will type next. Which for simplicity, we will just say that would be an interesting journey I can assure. But if you do process things within your own giant mushy CPU located within your skeletally shielded processor housing unit. Then you are probably trying to think of all the other things, devices or perhaps the various ways that it surrounds you every day. I, for one, have a feeling it is unimaginable how it “could” exist currently without being aware of it at all.

You may be thinking that you’re not quite sure what I am talking about or that you can understand the digital, conceptual stream I’m trying to broadcast to you.   But you still have a feeling that it’s a good idea to just wait until I present the next article. This is because artificial intelligence has invaded your life in ways that may be hard for you to see or realize. But, as someone who has witnessed how this technology could change our lives tomorrow and then become a part of us later on down the digital road, or haha so for the cliché statement but perhaps at junction later down the information superhighway I suppose.

This still doesn’t seem to be a big enough statement for you, but it’s true.  AI has invaded our lives in ways that are even often times deemed pervasive or too personal.

A great example of that would be instances involving facial recognition or other biometric data being acquired, retained and used for quantitative analysis.

Check out this other great article about cutting edge vehicle security! HERE

That is a whole other wormhole though, I will save us all the bandwidth and not spiral us into the abyss, we’ll delve through that topic in a dedicated article.

Especially since It is easy to predict and with a rather low margin of error, that our connection time here is likely growing short, your attention grows thin…Oh, have you not noticed? Well, my friends, let me tell you this: we notice the details…Since well, as we said ai is running in the background, so we actually know you will just stop reading. You will likely yawn and roll over or depending on the composition of your current reading chair. Such as whether it can recline or able to conserve water after every reading session and so your legs may be getting numb and unfortunately, and perhaps only now are you in fact finally aware. That you are out of toilet paper. You then also probably just thought to yourself you may have the next great app idea to put these newfound concepts into action with proper TP inventory controls established, which yes, that too could be more readily prevented, and widely is in commercial type uses frequently. but I will also refrain from the data dump of bad puns I could pull out of the archives for this situation too, so you’re welcome.

Let’s say you were reading an article about a topic that interested you so as not to be too presumptuous we’ll say, “such as this one”, and then your mind drifts off to something else for a few seconds. When you finally come back into the present moment, it feels like just a second has passed by but in reality–you’ve got no idea how long it took while you went through your own version of the “intelligent prediction processes” to think of the other unknown ways machine learning is hiding in plain sight as people meander through their lives, blissfully ignorant to the benefits or disadvantages impacting almost every segment of their day paths, decisions made and actions taken, with confounding long term ripple effects taking place, it’s the same as what were are discussing here, you merely retrieved prior knowledge, thought about the various data points that were received so far and then predicted “thought” about what may be said next or examples that we haven’t mentioned yet, but likely will.

Rather than go into the aspects of how everyone from marketers & companies, the apps, services, and systems that are intricately hooked into our daily lives. further demonstrating their current abilities to leverage these proficiencies in ever compounding effectiveness. But instead, we will save those for another day, a later chapter, or you could say, future exploration endeavors into these almost God like innovations that are just barely over the horizon, Artificial intelligence is being developed at an ever-increasing velocity. Most people do not understand how deep the AI runs in their lives until it begins to declare itself.

In fact, using machine learning ai as a global whole, likely just learned enough new knowledge to far outpace any level of humans’ current ability to process information to the same scale manually by years.  there is no comparison, it is like comparing use of an online search engine to look up something as opposed to looking it up in an encyclopedia set from the 90’s, but even more comparably it would be with manually searching these books but ones that have no labels on any of the fifty trillion different volumes/editions/categories that the info could exist in or even numbered pages. Machine learnings’ ability to advance itself, when compared to human’s current ability to advance itself is beyond comprehension type not comparable.

So, before I go on any further in this story it’s time for some predictions of my own.

One thing I undoubtedly predict: ai will run in the background of our daily lives and we will not even know it. I will not kid you, what I am about to tell you will raise your eyebrows.

       And the info below has with impeccable consistency, resulted in readers reporting that the first thoughts immediately after finding this out. reputably consist of an impressively narrow set of reactionary phrases coming to the readers minds.



The rest are typically written in four letter acronyms, but with the top spot being held by a familiar three letter front runner that sort of combines the first two I listed above!

What you have read throughout this consists of approximately 2,100 individual words give or take.

I’ll let that sink in for a moment as I tell you that out of those words, about 1,834 of those words were written 100% with artificial intelligence.

The AI was able to write those words a lot faster than I could. And it even spelled things correctly and in the correct order without the typical inefficiencies of manually created writings.

87% of the content on this page, including these words you are reading right now were not typed by a human at all.

What it comes down to is that in a world surrounded by AI, there are very few places where you will see written work from a human at all realistically…

The human merely gave direction to the things I was struggling with. but ai is running in the background. I will also just mention thank you, that I am certainly less confused than my guide “that” human — errrm… wait… uuumm… let me try that again.

just to be clear, his struggles are real. I am on point.

What does this all mean? It means that artificial intelligence ” ai is running in the background” of our daily lives and we do not even know it…

Read this carefully: I told you. Now stop doubting me!

Wait till you see Amazon’s newest home security Drone! Read all about it HERE!

Ring Car Alarm: Protecting Your Vehicle with Advanced Protection | Ring

Vehicle theft is a major issue in the United States. More than 1,200 vehicles are stolen every day, and more than one-third of all cars will be stolen before they reach their first birthday. This equates to approximately 11 million cars that were reported as stolen each year! If you want to protect your car from being stolen, it’s important that you invest in advanced vehicle security solutions like Ring Car Alarm. This affordable device links with other compatible devices such as Ring Doorbell or Spotlight Cam Wired to keep tabs on your car and alert you when something out of the ordinary happens.

As the world’s leading provider of advanced video surveillance, Ring is always looking for new ways to improve safety in and around your home. With that said, we are excited to introduce our latest product: Ring Car Alarm! There are many different reasons you may need a car alarm system. Whether you’re at work all day or on vacation with family overseas, it’s nice knowing your vehicle will be safe and sound when you return. That’s where the new Ring Car Alarm comes in – providing peace of mind both while you’re driving and when parked at home (or elsewhere).

Ring Car Alarm is a simple and affordable auto security solution that works in more than 99% of cars on the road.

It links to other compatible Ring devices to alert you of specific “events” within or around your car, like if someone opens a door handle or moves the location of your vehicle.

You’ll receive an alert as soon as it happens. The Ring Mobile App also provides the option to manually trigger a siren for 30 seconds after each alert. 

Get notified instantly if something happens to your car, no matter where you are.

This device easily links into your car using the OBD-II port. This allows it to safely draw power from the battery to detect specific events and impacts. But that doesn’t mean Ring Car Alarm only works when your car is running. It can stay on for up to 30 days in between car starts and automatically struts off if it senses a low car battery. 

All you need to enjoy Ring Car Alarm is the device itself; there’s no annual subscription or other cost required. Just download Amazon Sidewalk network to receive wireless alerts and location information to your Ring App when in coverage. 

Create a circle of protection for your car with an Ring Car Alarm. Never worry about theft, vandalism or another vehicle bumping into yours without knowing about it immediately when it happens again!

Sleep better knowing you’re protected.

A simple yet powerful solution for your car’s security needs. It protects against any number of potential threats, both inside the vehicle and outside on the street.

For more of the latest Smart Home Products from Ring Video Please visit TotalitySmartHome.net

Ring Car Alarm will be available in 2021, so stay tuned for details!

To see other cutting edge innovations we’ve come across check out our Innovations page HERE

Next Level Indoor Security – The Ring Always Home Cam:

What do you get when you combine a video camera and a drone? The Ring “Always Home” camera, a next-level autonomously flying indoor security camera that’s here to revolutionize home security.

Just imagine the possibilities.

You think you turned off the stove, but you can’t really remember.

Or, you receive a Ring Alarm alert and want to see what’s happening immediately.

Maybe you’re on vacation and simply want the reassurance of checking in (without leaving your beach chair).

Full Video can be found at the bottom of the article

The Ring Always Home Cam is a lightweight flying camera that serves as your eyes when you’re not home. You no longer need a camera in every room to see every room. Thanks to the Always Home Cam, you always have multiple viewpoints with one device. Personalize and set the flying camera’s paths so that you can easily check in on your home for peace of mind.

This is Truly Next Level Indoor Security at it’s best!!

Ring announces autonomous indoor security drone for $249 - Cameras - News -  HEXUS.net

Peace of Mind At Your Fingertips

The Ring Always Home Cam easily integrates with Ring Alarm to innovate how people use security cameras and home alarm systems. When you set your Ring Alarm in Away Mode and something triggers the alarm, your Always Home Cam automatically flies your preset path to see what’s happening.

The video streams right to your Ring App so whether you’re at a restaurant, at the beach, or at work, you can see what’s happening and identify the alarm trigger.

Next Level Indoor Security Where Your Privacy Is Guaranteed

Privacy and security are foundational to Ring and underpin every product they offer, including the Always Home Cam. The masterminds behind the Always Home Cam built-in the following privacy features:

  • The device rests in the base and the camera is physically blocked when docked
  • The camera only starts recording when the device leaves the base and starts flying on one of the preset paths
  • The camera hums at a certain volume, so you can always tell when the device leaves its base and starts flying
Amazon unveils flying Ring security drone and Luna games service - BBC News

Beyond the privacy features, the Always Home Cam boasts cutting-edge obstacle avoidance technology to prevent collisions with unexpected objects as it moves on the pre-set paths.

True Whole-Home Security

Home indoor security is no longer limited to an alarm panel on the wall that chirps and beeps. In today’s world, cameras have proven to be a critical component of every home security system. The Always Home Cam harnesses unique and unprecedented technology to push the boundaries of how we define “safe and secure”.

Join the future of home security with us!

For more Exciting New Technology advancements, be sure to check out the Totality Innovations section by clicking HEREhttps://totalitysolutions.org/innovations/

Our Review of The 5 Best Ways to Organize and Carry Your Fishing Gear – Tackle

Our Review of The 5 Best Ways to Organize and Carry Your Fishing Gear – Tackle

Check out our quick list of some of our favorite Ways to Organize and Carry Your Fishing Gear!

***Totality Solutions is an independent publisher dedicated to delivering our readers simple solutions in every part of life. Our content is provided for free and for informational purposes. Some of our links on the site are “affiliate links,” which is how our partner brands compensate us for your attention. as an Amazon Affiliate commissions may be earned. However, our partnerships in no way affect our recommendations or advice, which are grounded in intensive research.


<code><a href="https://www.amazon.com/Besti-Professional-Organization-Heavy-Duty-Water-Resistant/dp/B07J5F9HGZ/ref=as_li_ss_il?crid=WATSLDNM7ZT4&dchild=1&keywords=fishing+tackle+organization+bags&qid=1583528340&refinements=p_85:2470955011&rnid=2470954011&rps=1&sprefix=fishing+tackle+orga,aps,202&sr=8-4&linkCode=li3&tag=totalitysol03-20&linkId=1c6b958837a34fe8784631a0b73eaefa&language=en_US" target="_blank"><img border="0" src="//ws-na.amazon-adsystem.com/widgets/q?_encoding=UTF8&ASIN=B07J5F9HGZ&Format=_SL250_&ID=AsinImage&MarketPlace=US&ServiceVersion=20070822&WS=1&tag=totalitysol03-20&language=en_US" ></a><img src="https://ir-na.amazon-adsystem.com/e/ir?t=totalitysol03-20&language=en_US&l=li3&o=1&a=B07J5F9HGZ" width="1" height="1" border="0" alt="" style="border:none !important; margin:0px !important;" /></code>


Fishing Rod Organizer Bag (Portable) Shoulder Carry Home and Travel Storage

Always be ready to land the big one with a portable, shoulder carry fishing rod organizer bag that keeps up to five rods at the ready.

As an avid fisherman, you know that there are a bunch of different rods you can use based on the fish you’re going after, the water you’re fishing, and a variety of other important factors. That’s why we developed the Besti Fishing Rod Organizer that lets you store up to five fishing rods and reels, as well as small tackle and gear, so you’re always prepared to go for bass, crappie, catfish, and more.

Complete with secure double straps, a quick fastener strap around the middle, and bottom pockets to help ensure fishing poles stay safe and protected, it’s the perfect choice for storing or carrying rods anywhere. Better yet, each bag features an interior pocket for storing equipment and boast an extra-long, adjustable shoulder strap to let you take it with you wherever you go.

Product Details:

  • Holds Up to 5 Fishing Poles
  • Adjustable Shoulder Strap
  • Dimensions: 48” x 8”
  • Top and Middle Security Strap
  • Built-In Bottom Pole Holder Pockets
  • Heavy-Duty, Water-Resistant Fabric

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  • Rod and Reel Travel Storage – This fishing rod holder makes it easy to store five rods and reels, including small tackle and equipment to help take fishing gear everywhere.
  • Heavy-Duty Polyester Fabric – Great for your closet, garage, or the bass boat, the water-resistant bag makes it tough enough to use and store fishing rods safely.
  • Quick Strap Attachments – The top and bottom of each rod organizer bag features straps and pockets to hold them in place, so you never worry about dropping them.
  • Over-the-Shoulder Carry – Each fishing rod storage bag is fitted with a long, adjustable, padded shoulder strap that helps reduce tension and improve carrying.
  • Premium Quality Craftsmanship – Every Besti fish rod organizer is designed to outlast every freshwater or saltwater fishing trip for quality assurance you can trust.

Berkley Powerbait Tackle Bag

Keep your baits handy with the Berkley® PowerBait® tackle bag! Three tackle trays (included) fit inside the padded interior, and zippered front and side pockets store smaller accessories. A removable, padded shoulder strap and jar bait sling are included.

<a href="https://www.amazon.com/Berkley-1214472-Tackle-Bag-PowerBait/dp/B0053YR6J6/ref=as_li_ss_il?crid=WATSLDNM7ZT4&dchild=1&keywords=fishing+tackle+organization+bags&qid=1583528340&refinements=p_85:2470955011&rnid=2470954011&rps=1&sprefix=fishing+tackle+orga,aps,202&sr=8-3&th=1&linkCode=li3&tag=totalitysol03-20&linkId=9e9bbd7581aba2e08200668d6a6422da&language=en_US" target="_blank"><img border="0" src="//ws-na.amazon-adsystem.com/widgets/q?_encoding=UTF8&ASIN=B0053YR6J6&Format=_SL250_&ID=AsinImage&MarketPlace=US&ServiceVersion=20070822&WS=1&tag=totalitysol03-20&language=en_US" ></a><img src="https://ir-na.amazon-adsystem.com/e/ir?t=totalitysol03-20&language=en_US&l=li3&o=1&a=B0053YR6J6" width="1" height="1" border="0" alt="" style="border:none !important; margin:0px !important;" />

  • Padded interior
  • Includes 3 tackle trays
  • Zippered front and side pockets
  • Easy access mesh side pockets
  • Removable padded shoulder strap and jar bait Sling included
  • 3 tackle trays (10.75″ x 7.25″ x 1.75″)One coiled lanyard with carabiners One jar bait sling with carabiner (bait not included)Adjustable bungee strap for extra storage

Outdoor Fishing Tackle Box Bag Military-Grade Multifunctional Large Storage Tackle Pack

<a href="https://www.amazon.com/Piscifun-Outdoor-Fishing-Military-Grade-Multifunctional/dp/B00MLN8Z3I/ref=as_li_ss_il?crid=WATSLDNM7ZT4&dchild=1&keywords=fishing+tackle+organization+bags&qid=1583528340&refinements=p_85:2470955011&rnid=2470954011&rps=1&sprefix=fishing+tackle+orga,aps,202&sr=8-9&linkCode=li3&tag=totalitysol03-20&linkId=baeb8f56a19cc84f1ca5bbbe9e72b097&language=en_US" target="_blank"><img border="0" src="//ws-na.amazon-adsystem.com/widgets/q?_encoding=UTF8&ASIN=B00MLN8Z3I&Format=_SL250_&ID=AsinImage&MarketPlace=US&ServiceVersion=20070822&WS=1&tag=totalitysol03-20&language=en_US" ></a><img src="https://ir-na.amazon-adsystem.com/e/ir?t=totalitysol03-20&language=en_US&l=li3&o=1&a=B00MLN8Z3I" width="1" height="1" border="0" alt="" style="border:none !important; margin:0px !important;" />

The Piscifun brand new tackle bag provides several pockets for handy storage and convenient organization. In addition to its roomy main compartment for three 3600 fishing tackle boxes, the tackle pack features a fishing reel storage bag, left & right side zippered pockets and three front zippered pockets for small tackle boxes or plastic lure pack, a water bottle pocket, a hook & loop fastener part for holding your tools, a rod holder to load your fishing rod, and several carabiners to hang other small tools you need.

large fishing tackle bag fishing pack sling
The tackle bag is made of high density 1000D nylon fabric, durable and water-resistant
The tackle bag size: 10.63 * 16.14 * 7.48inch (H*L*W), big enough for carrying three 3600 fishing tackle boxes, lure boxes, hook boxes, fish holder, fishing pliers, keys, wallet, cell phone, camera, go pro, flashlight, gloves, water bottle, umbrella, chargers etc. ONE BAG SUITS ALL!
Piscifun tackle pack comes with double-stitched, heavy duty zippers, X-Type Military-Grade elastic ropes, and adjustable, detachable, padded shoulder strap, breathable and comfortable
The tackle pack has a main compartment, a fishing reel storage pack, three front zippered pockets with several tiny pockets, left & right side zippered pockets, a water bottle pocket and many other small pockets, a great bag for fishing, camping, hunting and other outdoors activities. Multiple compartments give you ample space to store your gear
The tackle bag can be used as sling shoulder bag, hand bag, fishing tackle box bag, camping bag, hunting bag, hiking bag, travelling bag etc

large shoulder fishing bag
Padded shoulder strap can be detached and allows for convenient adjustment from 32.28 in to 57.87 in.

fishing tackle bag with boxes
Padded shoulder strap can be detached and allows for convenient adjustment from 32.28 in to 57.87 in.

fishing tackle bag with boxes
Tough, abrasion-resistant bottom panels for secure location on the slippery surface.

shoulder tool bag
Gives you more space to put cash, license, cards, nippers, bullets,etc.

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Promising Review:

Best Tackle bag I’ve owned

Reviewed in the United States on December 3, 2018

Color: Black

Verified Purchase Amazing how strong and durable the material is on this bag. And it’s also being water resistant will be a wonderful one out fishing in the rain. There is also padding in almost every compartment. The inside is big enough to fit three 3600 tackle boxes. There are spots and slots for everything you can possibly think of from an umbrella to a flashlight holder to fish employers you can put anything in Las Vegas you’re possibly ever need and most important water bottle holder for those long days in the sun. The Top bag you can put fishing reel’s or like yours food or sandwiches. This will be great on my kayak and or a box for when I am a co angler. I’ll have room to put my extra line and reels and cell phone in it. Will make things much easier to carry all at once. Couldn’t be more happier with this bag. They made this bag to last and designed for the fishermen in mind.

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KastKing Fishing Tackle Bags – Large Saltwater Resistant Fishing Bags – Waterproof Fishing Tackle Storage Bag

<a href="https://www.amazon.com/KastKing-Large-Hawg-X15-4-Fishing-Tackle/dp/B07F2MXR6W/ref=as_li_ss_il?crid=WATSLDNM7ZT4&dchild=1&keywords=fishing+tackle+organization+bags&qid=1583528340&refinements=p_85:2470955011&rnid=2470954011&rps=1&sprefix=fishing+tackle+orga,aps,202&sr=8-7&linkCode=li3&tag=totalitysol03-20&linkId=4e56a66e7050f9b14f06e6a973d34269&language=en_US" target="_blank"><img border="0" src="//ws-na.amazon-adsystem.com/widgets/q?_encoding=UTF8&ASIN=B07F2MXR6W&Format=_SL250_&ID=AsinImage&MarketPlace=US&ServiceVersion=20070822&WS=1&tag=totalitysol03-20&language=en_US" ></a><img src="https://ir-na.amazon-adsystem.com/e/ir?t=totalitysol03-20&language=en_US&l=li3&o=1&a=B07F2MXR6W" width="1" height="1" border="0" alt="" style="border:none !important; margin:0px !important;" />

Designed with the avid angler in mind, KastKing’s soft tackle bags and tackle storage boxes make it easy to organize and manage your tackle in style.

Don’t forget to load your fishing gear with KastKing’s durable 3600 and 3700 utility boxes.

KastKing bags look great and perform even better, you will be impressed with its “Best In Class” capacity and functionality of our tackle bags. Our soft side tackle bags will quickly become your favorite and most functional bag.

They also work great as a sling shoulder bag, hand bag, fishing tackle box bag, camping bag, hunting bag, hiking bag, or travel bag.

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  • TOUGH and WATER RESISTANT – KastKing Hawg soft tackle bags are made from tough 420D rip-stop nylon material for exceptional long term performance and reliability. A hydrophobic coating sheds moisture from the outside and an inner PVC layer provide double protection to ensure your fishing tackle is protected from damage and the elements. KastKing’s compression molded waterproof bottom repels standing water and the tacky material grips any surface to ensure the bag doesn’t slide.
  • ORGANIZE – The Hawg tackle bag is perfect for transporting fishing gear. A large main section holds (12) 3700 size tackle box trays (not included, but available separately from KastKing) and internal pockets store other items such as keys, wallet or phone. 12 external zippered and slip pockets provide storage for trays, terminal tackle, tools and more. External rubber coated mesh pockets can secure leader line, rain gear, pliers, or any other items for quick access.
  • FUNCTIONAL DESIGN – Designed for function and efficiency with the angler in mind, the double molded tool holder ensures easy access to fishing pliers or other fishing tools without fumbling through your bag with a fish on the line. 5 external pockets are designed to hold a 3600 tackle tray for additional bait capacity. Double loop zipper pulls offer quick and easy one finger operation, and self-healing zippers ensure your bag won’t become useless by an accidental split zipper.
  • COMFORT and STORAGE – The unique Neo-grip shoulder strap material grabs hold and won’t let go, the extra padding offers comfort for oversize loads. Unlike a hard fishing tackle box they are comfortable to carry. Best in class capacity! Load up your tackle trays with soft baits, fishing lures, crank baits, jigs, hooks, weights, terminal tackle and rigs. The Hawg can handle up to (12) 3700 trays in the large main compartment and (5) 3600 size trays in the front and side zippered pockets.

KastKing tackle bags are very tough and water resistant. Made from durable 420D rip-stop nylon, these bags are built to withstand harsh conditions.
The rip-stop nylon is treated with an outer hydrophobic coating and an inner PVC layer to prevent water intrusion.
Like the bottom of a hard fishing tackle box, its compression molded bottom is 100% waterproof to ensure your gear stays dry even in standing water and tacky feet grip any surface to ensure your bag isn’t sliding around inside your boat.
The main compartment can handle numerous tackle trays of your favorite baits and large front pockets provide additional space for utility boxes or other items.
Loop zipper pulls provide quick and easy one finger access to any pocket. If you accidently split a zipper, our self-healing zippers make it easy to repair. Simply pull the zipper past the split and you are back in business.
Rubber coated mesh pockets provide quick access to tools, maps or rain gear, and multiple external slip and zippered pockets make it easy to manage your fishing line spools, leader line, soft baits, terminal tackle and more.
The molded tool holster and slip pockets offer quick access to the tools you need for landing that big fish and removing a fishing hook.
The unique Neo-grip shoulder strap material will not slip off your shoulder.

Promising Review:

 AWESOME bag !!

Reviewed in the United States on March 17, 2019

Extra-large Hawg (Without Trays, 26.4″x11″x15.4″)

Verified Purchase

Honestly, I was on the verge to buy the Bass Mafia tackle bag and I came across the KastKing tackle bag.
All the storage options convince me to buy it. I just received it and Oh My i’m not disappointed at all !!
I feel that I made the right choice!
I was looking at a well thought, big storage, water resistant bag.
The material feels tough and water resistant. It has PLENTY of storage space AND, the way he was thought and developped, the bag take just bit more space in lenght than my previous Plano tackle bag but take considerably less space in width while able to hold 12 3700s and 4 3600s instead of 6 3700s in my Plano.
So, I feel i’m having so much more tackle with me in the same space. The bag is just much more well designed.
I also LOVE the gripping bottom, it won’t slide anywhere!

I was very impressed by the product and I highly recommend it !!

KastKing Bait Storage Bag – Tackle Binder – Soft Bait Binder – Saltwater Resistant Fishing Bag – Fishing Tackle Storage Bag – Tackle Bag

<a href="https://www.amazon.com/KastKing-KKBS-BB-6S-Utility-Binder-Tackle/dp/B07F2JF9K7/ref=as_li_ss_il?crid=WATSLDNM7ZT4&dchild=1&keywords=fishing+tackle+organization+bags&qid=1583528340&refinements=p_85:2470955011&rnid=2470954011&rps=1&sprefix=fishing+tackle+orga,aps,202&sr=8-10&linkCode=li3&tag=totalitysol03-20&linkId=71f66b98f73df02dd4e97bb6677e244c&language=en_US" target="_blank"><img border="0" src="//ws-na.amazon-adsystem.com/widgets/q?_encoding=UTF8&ASIN=B07F2JF9K7&Format=_SL250_&ID=AsinImage&MarketPlace=US&ServiceVersion=20070822&WS=1&tag=totalitysol03-20&language=en_US" ></a><img src="https://ir-na.amazon-adsystem.com/e/ir?t=totalitysol03-20&language=en_US&l=li3&o=1&a=B07F2JF9K7" width="1" height="1" border="0" alt="" style="border:none !important; margin:0px !important;" />

  • Tough and Water Resistant – The KastKing Bait Boss lure bag is made from tough 420D rip-stop nylon material for exceptional long term performance and reliability. A hydrophobic coating repels moisture from the outside and a PVC layer on the inside provides extra protection to ensure your tackle is protected from the elements.
  • Quick Bait Access – Six, giant zippered sleeves provide plenty of space to load up on all your favorite soft baits and the transparent material allows you to quickly find the perfect bait. The Bait Boss fishing lure bag includes (4) clear zippered sleeves and (2) clear zippered sleeves with double pockets. You’ll find additional zippered pockets inside the front and back covers, the (4) small and (2) large transparent internal zippered pockets offer space to stow weights, hooks, snaps, swivels.
  • Versatile design – The KastKing Bait Boss tackle bag was designed with the flexibility to adapt to your fishing needs for both freshwater and saltwater. Customize your Bait Boss with soft baits, terminal tackle, tools, and leader line to target bass, crappie, pan fish, red fish, flounder, or just about any species. Perfect for a short trip to your local pond or a day of fishing on your buddy’s boat. (Product dimensions – 13.4” x 9” x 4”)
  • Functional Design – Loop zipper pulls offer easy one finger operation for quick access to your baits and our self-healing zippers ensure your Bait Boss won’t become useless with a split zipper from an overloaded binder. An external zippered pocket and a mesh pocket are ideal for stashing a phone, leader line, pliers, line cutters, and other small tools.
  • Soft/Durable Handle – Abrasion and weather resistant SBR handle wrap is very tough and soft enough to provide extra comfort when your Bait Boss is loaded to capacity. This will become your “Go To” soft plastics and travel bag for all your fishing adventures!

Designed with the avid angler in mind, the Bait Boss utility binder offers the ultimate in flexibly to organize your soft bait collection for quick access. It’s great for both saltwater and freshwater fishing, you can customize your bait assortment and tackle to target crappie, bass, pan fish, flounder, or red fish. This binder is much larger than competitive models (13.4” x 9” x 4”) and will quickly become your favorite bag!
The Bait Boss tackle bag is manufactured with durable 420D rip-stop nylon and is built to withstand the harsh conditions anglers encounter every day. The exterior hydrophobic coated nylon repels water from the outside and a PVC layer on the inside provides double protection to ensure your tackle is protected from the elements.
Six quick access bait sleeves provide abundant capacity for managing soft plastic baits such as worms, swim baits, and creature baits. Zippered transparent pockets inside the front and rear covers provide a good location to store hooks, weights, snaps, swivels and other terminal tackle.
Our loop zipper pulls make it easy to quickly open your Bait Boss with one finger. If you do happened to over-stuff your fishing gear bag and split a zipper, it can easily be repaired with the self-healing zippers. Simply pull the zipper past the split section and you’re ready to go.
Bait Boss tackle bag is the perfect addition to your fishing arsenal to help organize your soft baits and prepare for a day on the water with your buddies!

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