
Totality Solutions

The Importance of Plumbing Maintenance

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Just like anything else in your home–your air conditioning unit, car, or electronics. If you overlook the simple plumbing maintenance needs of your pipes, drains, and toilets, you don’t just become more vulnerable to losing on-demand hot and cold water. You also run the risk of dealing with major and expensive repairs down the road.  

Your plumbing needs regular maintenance to continue running smoothly and functioning properly.

But not all plumbing problems need to become emergencies! By incorporating the following maintenance tips in your home, business, or commercial site, you can prevent unexpected plumbing issues and avoid significant repair costs.  


Safeguard Against Future Clogs 

Clogged drains are major nuisances, but they cause other problems you may not realize. The backed up pressure caused by a clog places added pressure on waste pipes, which in turn stresses them and shortens their lifespan. Fortunately, clogs can be prevented by placing screens over drains in showers and tubs. Also by using the garbage disposal to handle food waste, and pouring liquid grease into a glass jar instead of drain.  


Alternatives to Chemical Drain Cleaners  as Simple Plumbing Maintenance

If your sink is draining slower than normal, it might be tempting to purchase a chemical drain cleaner for a quick solution. However remember that chemical cleaners can actually cause unseen damage to plumbing. They erode cast-iron drain pipes, so frequent use will create leaks in your pipes.  


Furthermore, they don’t entirely remove each clog. Often times you will create more problems without solving the original issue! Calling a plumber to clear your blocked drain using a high flow jet or snake is a safer and more efficient solution.   


Don’t Ignore Leaking Taps 

Leaking taps not only waste thousands of gallons of water, but they also indicate a larger and potentially hidden problem. If the leaking is coming from the base of the tap, it could be causing damage to the cupboards and counter-tops. Fixing a leaking tap as soon as it is detected will prevent additional damage.  


Plumbing Maintenance To Soften Your Water 

It might be strange to consider water as hard or soft, but the truth is that hard water can be very damaging to your plumbing. Hard water is excessively high in mineral content. Even though the minerals like magnesium and calcium occur naturally, they build up inside of your pipes. Just like plaque inside of arteries. When this occurs it will significantly reduce the flow of water.  

 Hard water is also known to corrode joints and fittings

Fortunately, it’s possible to use a water softener. Which helps to eliminate these minerals from your water supply. These simple Plumbing Maintenance steps can save your pipes from stress and damage.

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