The ketogenic diet, explained

Is keto just another dieting fad? Read about the science behind ketogenic diets on Subscribe to our channel! …

What You Never Knew About the Keto Diet

Ever wonder what the Keto diet is or how it works? I discuss this popular diet in-depth, AND I tell you a few things you probably never knew about Keto. Hello!

VIDEO: Three Reasons You Will Love CoolSculpting Pros and Cons Our Review of the Treatment!

We constantly get questions about the popular fat-loss treatment called Coolsculpting! There are both pros and cons, so we decided it was time to tell you what …

Three Reasons You Will Love CoolSculpting Pros and Cons Our Review of the Treatment!

You eat well, exercise regularly, and do your best to stay healthy, yet you still have stubborn pockets of fat that just won’t budge. This is a major frustration for millions of men and women, but until recently it was a difficult problem to solve without invasive surgery. Now CoolSculpting® makes it possible to eliminate unwanted fat from your stomach, waistline, and thighs without any surgery or downtime. CoolSculpting® is an innovative FDA-cleared treatment that will help you reach your body goals easier than ever before.

CoolSculpting® Is Based in Science
CoolSculpting® will help you enhance your appearance using a unique scientific process. This treatment delivers precisely controlled cooling to gently and effectively target the fat cells underneath the skin. As they are treated, fat cells are frozen and forced to die. Over the span of a few months, the body naturally processes and removes those dead fat cells, which leaves your body leaner and more sculpted. This process of controlled cooling successfully targets fat that is unresponsive to all other methods of removal.

Simple and Painless
Unlike liposuction and other unpleasant fat removal treatments that are invasive and require extensive recovery, CoolSculpting® offers a simple, painless, and noninvasive way to tackle unwanted fat. It’s no wonder that CoolSculpting® is the world’s number one non-invasive fat-reduction procedure with more than four million treatments performed worldwide. The treatment is actually so easy that you can read, check email, listen to music, or even nap during your appointment. Expect to return to work and normal activities immediately!

Choose Your Problem Areas
Where would you like to change your body? Chances are, CoolSculpting® can be used to treat that area. The chin, chest, flanks, stomach, upper back, lower back, inner thighs, outer thighs, and knees are all common places treated with CoolSculpting®. Thanks to this impressive versatility, you can utilize CoolSculpting® to eliminate fat where the bulges bother you most. No more muffin top, no more love handles, no more double chin!

VIDEO: The Top 3 Benefits of Arnica Oil

The Top 3 Benefits of Arnica Oil

Thanks to the benefits of Arnica oil, this natural remedy is one of the cornerstones of holistic health. These three benefits in particular can help you handle life’s day to day accidents and injuries.

In the realm of homeopathic medicine, arnica (Arnica montana) is a staple item to any first aid kit that is highly respected for its many different benefits. Indeed, the practical benefits of arnica oil can be credited for its continued popularity since the 1500s. If you need something to soothe your muscle aches, reduce painful inflammation, or heal wounds on the skin, then arnica oil is your answer!
A Bit About Arnica
The Arnica montana, also known as mountain tobacco, is a perennial plant native to Europe and Siberia with large, bright yellow flower heads and soft, hair leaves. Steam distillation of the flowers produces pure Arnica essential oil, but the oil is actually too potent to be utilised for therapeutic purposes. It is for this reason that many Arnica oils (such as our own arnica carrier oil) are made by infusing Sunflower carrier oil with Arnica essential oil. The resulting carrier oil can be used topically to help alleviate many of the common aches, pains, and injuries that arise in your daily life. It’s the perfect natural remedy that is safe enough for children yet powerful enough to cause lasting relief.
Arnica Oil As a Natural Arthritis Treatment
A combination of the components in Arnica oil make it so efficient in reducing inflammation and pain: the sesquiterpene lactones and dihydrohelananins. Inflamed tissue normally overproduces cytokines, which makes inflammation worse, but the components in Arnica reduce the delivery of such cytokines in order to relieve pain. This makes one of the benefits of Arnica oil its natural role as an arthritis treatment.
In fact, a 2007 study published in Rheumatology International stated that arnica is equally as effective as NSAIDs like ibuprofen in relieving the symptoms of osteoarthritis. A study in Switzerland echoed these findings and established the fact that arnica is a safe, efficient, and reliable treatment of mild to moderate arthritis.
Recipe Idea: Blend an ounce of Arnica oil with German Chamomile essential oil and rub on sore joints. German Chamomile is a powerful anti inflammatory that will make Arnica’s impact all the stronger. Substitutes for German Chamomile include Frankincense, Sweet Marjoram, and Wintergreen.
Heal Bruises with Arnica Oil
We’ve all endured ugly purple and yellow bruises that just don’t want to go away. Bruises form when the blood vessels under the skin burst upon strong force, so the only way to speed along a bruise’s healing process is to help the blood vessels return to normal. One of the incredible benefits of Arnica is that is can actually help bruises heal quickly by relaxing the blood vessels to allow the blood in the bruise to be absorbed back into the body. In fact, Arnica oil has been proven by the Northwestern Department of Dermatology to reduce bruising even better than low-concentration vitamin K formulas. This is especially helpful for athletes and children who are prone to frequent bruises!
Recipe Idea: Lavender and Tea Tree essential oils can also help heal bruises, so blend 1 to 4 drops of either (or both!) into your Arnica oil and rub into your bruise twice per day. You’ll be amazed to see how quickly your ugly purple and yellow welt disappears.
Encourage Hair Growth with Arnica Oil
Men and women alike experience hair growth problems as they get older. This might be male pattern baldness or female hair thinning, both of which are frustrating conditions, but fortunately the benefits of Arnica oil provide a simple solution! All it takes is a regular scalp massage with Arnica oil to invigorate your scalp, stimulate hair follicles, and improve circulation, all of which will trigger the growth of new, stronger hair. It is for this reason that Arnica oil is often dubbed one of the best secret treatments for reversing hair loss.
Recipe Idea: Blend Rosemary essential oil into your Arnica oil for superpowered hair growth. Rosemary is well respected as a hair growth tool because it increases the cellular metabolism that stimulates hair growth. Excellent alternatives include Cedarwood and Clary Sage essential oils. Apply your homemade blend generously into scalp with wet or dry hair at least three times per week. If you can, leave it in for 20 to 30 minutes for best results, then shampoo and rinse as normal.
The benefits of Arnica simply cannot be understated. In addition to the above uses, Arnica has also successfully treated acne, muscle aches, insect bites, burns, and even sprains and fractures. With a bottle of Arnica oil and a few essential oils in your medicine cabinet, you can handle whatever surprises life throws your way. It is truly one of the most beneficial substances available in nature’s pharmacopoeia!