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Your Tire Care Cheat Sheet and Essentials

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Your Tire Care Cheat Sheet 

Unless you are a mechanic, you might not feel totally sure about how to care for your car’s tires and keep them in the best condition. Vehicle terminology appear confusing unless you work with it on a daily basis, so this guide will give you the basics of everything you should know regarding tire care. 

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Check Air Pressure 

Above all, air pressure can determine the longevity of your tires. PSI, our pounds per square inch, is the unit of measurement applied to the air pressure in your tires. While overinflated tires ride harshly and are easily damaged by road irregularities, under inflated tires hurt gas mileage and lead to loss of steering and cornering stability. 

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The correct air pressure is critical, so read your owner’s manual for the optimal PSI level and check tire air pressure once per month. Just be sure to check that pressure once your vehicle is “cold” and hasn’t been driven in at least three hours.  

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Alignment and Balance 

Alignment refers to the suspension of your front and rear tires. Since alignment determines the way your vehicle handles, poor alignment can cause major problems like irregular tire wear and crooked driving trajectory. Misalignment is most likely to occur after an accident or hitting a big pothole, so have it checked after any type of strong impact.  


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While alignment deals with suspension, balance relates to the way the tires are mounted. If one area is heavier or lighter than the rest, then the tire is off-balance and mounted incorrectly. It’s important to check for balance any time a tire is replaced or alignment is corrected, since poor balance can place too much stress on the tires and cause premature wear and tear.

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Rotation and Tread 

Think about the strain the road places on your car tires every single time you drive. This pressure leads to tire wear, which is unavoidable. Rotation can extend the life of your tires by moving tires into different positions to help the tread wear evenly and thus keep the tire alive longer. Experts recommend rotation every 6,000 to 8,000 miles.

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By staying current on this type of tire maintenance, you’ll save yourself a great deal of hassle and money.  

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The Importance of Surge Protection for Your Outdoor Landscape

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As a homeowner, your property and valued belongings are always at some type of risk, whether from an intense hurricane or a thief. But when it comes to all of your carefully placed outdoor lighting, a power surge is the most destructive enemy. It’s all too easy to assume that your lights and electronics will always function perfectly, but it only takes one power spike to lose everything and gain a quick reminder of the virtue of precaution. Don’t overlook the Importance of Surge Protection!  

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Why Do Power Surges Occur?

The electrical sockets around your home are designed to provide a steady flow of electricity. This means that when you plug in a lamp or a cellphone charger, the voltage won’t increase dramatically and cause problems. 


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However, it’s not a perfect system, and lightning strikes, power outages, and general power grid malfunctions all have the potential to create a spike in electrical output. If this surge lasts more than a few seconds, it can significantly damage any electronics drawing power at the time. If the surge is drastic enough, anything plugged in at the time might be permanently ruined.  

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The Importance of Surge Protection 

Although electrical sockets are meant to maintain a steady flow of electric currents, they are not equipped with any extra protection against surges and spikes. The only way to provide that extra protection is to purchase individual surge protectors. They can identify when energy has surpassed the threshold for safety and then divert all of the extra electricity so that it doesn’t pass through your devices.

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But remember, power strips aren’t always surge protectors! Cheap power strips from the dollar store don’t provide surge protection. Unless the strip specifically states “surge protector”, your money won’t be getting you any extra support. Talk to your lighting company to find out how to obtain surge protectors that will keep your outdoor lighting far from harm’s way.

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The Importance of Plumbing Maintenance

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Just like anything else in your home–your air conditioning unit, car, or electronics. If you overlook the simple plumbing maintenance needs of your pipes, drains, and toilets, you don’t just become more vulnerable to losing on-demand hot and cold water. You also run the risk of dealing with major and expensive repairs down the road.  

Your plumbing needs regular maintenance to continue running smoothly and functioning properly.

But not all plumbing problems need to become emergencies! By incorporating the following maintenance tips in your home, business, or commercial site, you can prevent unexpected plumbing issues and avoid significant repair costs.  

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