What is a 66 block

66 Block is a Telecommunications connection terminal. It acts as a hub of distribution – usually for phone service or telephone extensions. Also referred-to as a …

How-To: Easy EIA568B CAT5e Termination

http://www.markertek.com How-to video for creating a CAT5e cable using Belden 7923A Data Tuff cable wired to meet the EIA568B standard. The Belden 7923A …

The Importance of Plumbing Maintenance

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Just like anything else in your home–your air conditioning unit, car, or electronics. If you overlook the simple plumbing maintenance needs of your pipes, drains, and toilets, you don’t just become more vulnerable to losing on-demand hot and cold water. You also run the risk of dealing with major and expensive repairs down the road.  

Your plumbing needs regular maintenance to continue running smoothly and functioning properly.

But not all plumbing problems need to become emergencies! By incorporating the following maintenance tips in your home, business, or commercial site, you can prevent unexpected plumbing issues and avoid significant repair costs.  

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